Dear Son, You Saved Me

Becoming a mom was one of the greatest adventures I’ve ever embarked upon. It was a challenge in every single way, but here was this little tiny human who depended on me for literally everything. It was very much an eye opener for me, and in many ways my son changed, shaped, and even saved … Continue reading Dear Son, You Saved Me

Squad Goals: The Importance of the #MomSquad

Nothing can make you love as hard and drive you as damn crazy as your baby. Not even your partner, though god knows sometimes it takes all the will power I have not to smother him in his sleep (it’s no secret, I’ve mentioned it to him once or twice, or a million times). This … Continue reading Squad Goals: The Importance of the #MomSquad

Zero to 100 Panic, Real Quick: A treatise on how my anxiety disorder has affected my loved ones.

One of my biggest fears when I’m going through an especially tough bout of anxiety is the affect that my disorder has on my loved ones. It's hard dealing with the disorder, sure, but the swirling thoughts about the pressure it puts on my family are especially debilitating. I start to wonder if my mother and sister are just … Continue reading Zero to 100 Panic, Real Quick: A treatise on how my anxiety disorder has affected my loved ones.

4 Rules to Help Cope with Anxiety and Panic While Parenting

I’ve always had various coping mechanisms for my anxiety, but since becoming a mom some of them aren’t particularly feasible anymore. For instance, I can’t randomly go take a hot shower when I'm in the middle of Walmart with my 2-year-old. Hell, I can’t randomly go take a hot shower when I'm in the middle of my … Continue reading 4 Rules to Help Cope with Anxiety and Panic While Parenting